Exploring Student Teachers’ Experiences about the Efficacy of the B.Ed. Programme in Preparing Teachers to Teach in the 21st Century
Students Teachers, B.Ed. 4 Years’ Teacher Education, Preparation of Teachers, 21st CenturyAbstract
This study examined student teachers' experiences about the efficacy of the B.Ed. Program to prepare teachers to teach in the 21st century. The study used census sampling techniques and selected 314 participants through survey questionnaires from various Universities of Makran, Balochistan. Data was analyzed through SPSS, descriptive statistics was used for demographic study, and regression analyses were used for inferential data. Findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between the Efficacy of the B.Ed (4 years) Program, such as the Relevance of the Course, Technology Integration and Clinical Practice (Practicum) and Field Experiences on Teachers' Preparation to teach 21st Century, pedagogical knowledge and skills, Technological competencies, understanding of teaching in the digital era, Understanding of learning and learner. However, the Learning strategies do not have any significant relationship with technological competencies, Understanding Teaching in the Digital Era, Understanding Learning and Learners. However, a significant relationship was shown between Learning strategies and pedagogical knowledge and skills. Moreover, the study suggested that the B. Ed 4-year program should be updated with modern ICT and continue as a professional development program for instructors to train B. Ed students as effective teachers of the 21st century.
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