Formatting Guidelines

  1. Page Setup and Margins:
    1. Use standard letter-sized (8.5 x 11 inches) paper.
    2. Set margins to 1 inch on all sides.
  2. Font and Size:
    1. Utilize Times New Roman font throughout the manuscript.
    2. Maintain a consistent font size of 12.
  3. Line Spacing:
    1. Apply double-spacing throughout the entire manuscript, including the title page, abstract, main text, and references.
  4. Title Page:
    1. Feature the title of the manuscript, author(s) names, affiliations, and contact information centered on the title page.
    2. Complete affiliation of the Author should be mentioned including Designation, Department/Faculty, University and City.
    3. Provide email address of all the Authors.
    4. Specify the Corresponding Author.
    5. Mention ORCID id if available.
    6. Include a running head (limited to 50 characters) aligned to the left.
  5. Abstract:
    1. Place the abstract on a separate page after the title page.
    2. Limit the abstract to 200 words (not less than 100 Words).
    3. Avoid citations in the abstract.
  6. Headings and Subheadings:
    1. Organize the manuscript using clear and consistent APA style headings.
    2. Use bold for level-one headings, italics for level-two headings, and bold and italics for level-three headings.
    3. Maintain a clear hierarchical structure for subheadings.
  7. Main Text:
    1. Clearly articulate the research problem, objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions.
    2. Employ subsections to enhance manuscript organization.
  8. Citations and References:
    1. In-text citations should follow the (Author, Year) format as mentioned in the APA 7th edition.
    2. Alphabetize the reference list by the last name of the first author.
    3. Include DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for online sources whenever available.
  9. Tables and Figures:
    1. Number tables and figures consecutively.
    2. Provide clear and concise titles for tables and figures.
    3. Ensure all tables and figures are cited in the text.
    4. Follow APA guidelines for table and figure formatting.
    5. Add Heading of the Table (like Table 1 etc.) in Bold, followed by the title of the table in Italics in the next line.
    6. Similarly use the above Formatting style for the Graphs, Images and Charts.
    7. Tables, Graphs and Charts (bar or pie etc.) should be added in editable form and not in image/screenshot form.
  10. Equations:
    1. Number equations sequentially and place the number in parentheses at the right margin.
    2. Refer to equations in the text by their numbers.
  11. Footnotes:
    1. Avoid using footnotes as ProScholar Insights (PSI) do not accept footnotes in the paper.
  12. Page Numbers:
    1. Include page numbers in the top right corner of each page, starting from the title page.
  13. Copyright and Permissions:
    1. Clearly indicate any copyrighted material and provide permissions as necessary.
    2. Follow APA guidelines for copyright transfer.
  14. Language and Style:
    1. Write in clear, concise English.
    2. Avoid jargon and define specialized terms.
  15. Submission Format:
    1. Submit manuscripts in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format.
    2. Ensure that all elements (text, tables, figures) are editable.

Following these formatting fundamentals will make your manuscript easier to read and understand, as well as speed up the review process. ProScholar Insights (PSI) values your dedication to upholding a consistent format since it improves the overall caliber and expertise of the published material in the journal.