Role of National Professional Standards for Teachers in Cultivating Ethical Values in Teachers


  • Muhammad Usman Saqib PhD Scholar, Department of Education, University of Wah, Wah Cantt., Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Dr. Rukhshanda Mushtaq Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Wah, Wah Cantt., Punjab, Pakistan.



National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST), Professional Development of Teachers, Ethical Values, Curriculum Development


National professional standards for teachers (NPST) play a vital role in enhancing quality education in Pakistan by providing guidelines to teachers. The focus of NPST is to improve pedagogical skills, subject matter knowledge, and classroom management, but the most crucial standard to the cultivation of ethical values. These values are called Islamic ethical values, as mentioned in the NPST document. It shapes the professional conduct of the teachers with colleagues, parents, and students. This study explores the role of NPST in cultivating ethical values among the teachers in the province of Punjab. The objectives were to analyze Ethical Values in Teachers on the basis of (NPSTs) and to examine the role of ethical values in addressing educational challenges in Punjab. Two hundred (200) teachers were selected for the survey, while 10 teachers were selected for in-depth interviews. A mixed-method research design was utilized, integrating both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. The research was conducted in two phases: a survey for quantitative data collection from teachers and interviews for qualitative data collection from selected teachers. Findings revealed an alarming situation regarding the current level of ethical values practiced by the teachers working in the Punjab Education Department. The teachers are required to follow NPST guidelines and show positive dispositions during teaching. However, the situation is different, and it varies from person to person as SD values are high. It is concluded that teachers are not acting as per the standards and norms described in NPSTs. The study recommended that conduct in-service training and mentorship programs and fostering a collaborative culture.

Author Biography

  • Muhammad Usman Saqib, PhD Scholar, Department of Education, University of Wah, Wah Cantt., Punjab, Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Saqib, M. U., & Mushtaq, R. (2025). Role of National Professional Standards for Teachers in Cultivating Ethical Values in Teachers. ProScholar Insights, 4(1), 1-7.

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