Gender-Based Analysis of Teachers’ Content Knowledge at Higher Education Level


  • Saima Asghar PhD Scholar, Department of Education, Mohi-Ud-Din Islamic University, Nerian Sharif, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan.
  • Dr. Muhammad Ishaq Associate Professor, Department of Education, Mohi-Ud-Din Islamic University, Nerian Sharif, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan.
  • Nadia Nazir Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Mohi-Ud-Din Islamic University, Nerian Sharif, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan.



Gender, Analysis, Teachers’ Content Knowledge, Higher Education Level


The purpose of this study was to analyzed the gender-based teacher content knowledge at higher education level.  Objectives were to find out dimension of teachers’ content knowledge and to compare male and female teachers content knowledge at higher education level. Population of the study was 103 including 61 male and 42 female teachers from university of Kotli Azad Jumma & Kashmir. Data was collected through personal visit by using stratified random sampling technique. Nature of study was descriptive by using quantitative research approach. Self-developed questionnaire was used based on three dimensions knowledge of subject matter, conceptualization of content knowledge and transition of knowledge. Data was analyzed through simple t test and finding shows that there was significant difference among male and female teachers at higher university level regarding teacher content knowledge. It was concluded that there was significant gap and seek of professional development among male and female teachers regarding knowledge at higher educational level. It was recommended that teachers might be provided 360o professional development and training regarding content knowledge and transition of knowledge   

Author Biography

  • Saima Asghar, PhD Scholar, Department of Education, Mohi-Ud-Din Islamic University, Nerian Sharif, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Asghar, S., Ishaq, M., & Nazir, N. (2025). Gender-Based Analysis of Teachers’ Content Knowledge at Higher Education Level. ProScholar Insights, 3(1), 158-168.