Relationship between Classroom Environment and Academic Achievement


  • Lubna Nazneen PhD Scholar, Department of Psychology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
  • Ishrat Rehman PhD Scholar, Department of Psychology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.



Psychosocial Classroom Environment, Students, Academic Achievement


Present research was conducted to study the role of the classroom environment in the achievement level of middle school students in Peshawar. The data was gathered from 250 participants, comprising 136 boys and 114 girls, aged between 13 and 14 years, from two private and two government schools in Peshawar. The tool used in the study "What Is Happening in This Class?" was used to collect information from the participants. Results indicated that different dimensions of the classroom psychosocial environment had different impacts on the student's achievement levels. Furthermore, considerable differences were detected between the government and private schools in Peshawar in terms of various dimensions of the classroom psychosocial environment.

Author Biography

  • Lubna Nazneen, PhD Scholar, Department of Psychology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Nazneen, L., & Rehman, I. (2024). Relationship between Classroom Environment and Academic Achievement. ProScholar Insights, 3(1), 127-133.