Comparative Study of Quality Assurance Mechanism in Legal Education in Pakistan, Malaysia and United Kingdom
Legal Education, Quality Assurance Mechanism, MQA, QAA, PBC, HECAbstract
Quality assurance (QA) in higher education plays a vital role in maintaining and enhancing academic standards. The quality assurance also ensures that graduates reach the necessary level of academic achievement. This importance has been emphasized by scholars such as Boon and Webb. In the face of challenges like globalization and financial constraints, QA becomes essential in helping educational institutions provide high-quality programs that meet the evolving needs of society. The process involves systematically managing and evaluating educational programs to ensure standards are met and that students are not misled by substandard qualifications. Governments and educational institutions must collaborate to implement QA mechanisms, ensuring accountability and transparency, particularly in the use of public resources. Countries like Malaysia, the UK, and Pakistan have developed their own QA systems. In Malaysia, the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) is responsible for QA, while in the UK, the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) oversees academic standards. These agencies work to ensure that educational programs, including those in law, meet both national and international standards, safeguarding the quality and reputation of higher education. Through these QA systems, higher education institutions aim to fulfill stakeholder expectations and promote academic excellence. Unfortunately, the quality assurance mechanism in many countries fails to provide international standards. Pakistan is one these countries which is striving for the improvement in its quality assurance mechanism in legal education. This doctrinal research explores the quality assurance mechanism three countries. The paper ends with recommendations for improvement in quality assurance in weakest country’s legal education system.
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