Effects of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on Instructional Competences of Teachers
ICT Utilization, Instructional Competences, University ManagementAbstract
Information Communication Technology (ICT) is the current expansion and advanced innovation of today's informative world, becoming a functional tool that manufactures the world into a virtual reality. The study focuses on understanding the need to enlarge teachers' education about ICT and its effects on teachers' instructional competencies. It is important to develop alternative approaches for teachers' preparation that reflect a holistic and integrated approach which addresses students' concerns for technology training and teachers' preparation programs due to the changing nature of the learning and teaching process in universities. Moreover, the research was a survey method and quantitative in nature. The research population were 63 teachers from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan. However, objectives of study were to identify the effective instructional competencies of teachers in using Information Communication Technology and to find out the effects of Information Communication Technology in enhancing teacher's instructional competencies at university level. Further, to collect data, closed-ended questionnaires were used, and descriptive statistic was used to analyse the data. The result discovered that it's easy to teach by using ICT, and teachers can create a positive and healthy atmosphere in the classroom by using Information Communication Technology. Teachers have the freedom to design their own teaching aids, but unfortunately, lack of ICT access prevents teachers from using them. The researcher recommended that university management should conduct seminars and workshops on ICT training for teachers so that they can teach their students with the help of Information Communication Technology.
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